Western Australia is home to a lot of variety! With a lot of different climate types, and sometimes quite a bit of annual variation, it can seem challenging to keep chickens in some regions of this state. But with the right equipment and knowledge, we’re confident you’ll be able to keep some happy hens. You know your climate best, so if you live in a particularly hot or cold portion of the state, then one of your main concerns will be keeping your chickens cool in the >40 degree summer temperatures, and warm in areas such as the mountains in the South. We’ve assembled some advice on guarding your chooks against the elements here. There are a lot of potential predators in Western Australia, such as snakes, foxes and rats. Particularly if you live in rural locations, taking precautions against larger predators is wise. More information is available on our protecting chickens from predators page.
Disease and sickness
In order to protect your chooks, and those of your neighbours and farmers, it’s really important to keep a close eye on the health of your chickens. The government of Western Australia has assembled a checklist for you to watch out for, as well as providing guidance on chicken care in your region. We suggest you read this thoroughly before proceeding to bring some chooks into your garden. If you see anything alarming in your flock, then we recommend you call the Emergency Animal Disease Hotline on 1800 675 888.

Keep a close eye on your chickens - it's best not to take any chances if you suspect a problem
Local government authorities often have quite strict rules about what, and how many, chickens you can keep. This is often to do with the noise that they will produce – many areas will prevent you from keeping roosters due to their frequent calling. For example – at the time of writing, the City of South Perth allows residents no more than twelve birds – and none of these can be a rooster. We strongly recommend contacting your local authority to check the rules and regulations in your area, as these can change quite quickly.
Local clubs and events
There are poultry events going on all over Western Australia, whether you’re new to the hobby or a seasoned chook-keeper! The Western Australian Poultry Association is a state-wide organisation that arranges lots of events, such as Championship Shows and Auctions. There are lots of clubs, too – the Merredin Poultry Club and the Narrogin Poultry Society to name but a few. If you live quite far away from most of these clubs, why not start your own?
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