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Comments for Feeling Under the Weather

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June, 23 April 2022

One of my hens has a very dirty bottom,not around the vent,lower down. What is the best wat to clean her? she is fit and well otherwise.

An Omleteer, 30 April 2021

I have 3 rescue hens. All thrived. They have free range in my garden and are housed safely at night. I promise them a good life but not necessarily a long one as Mr Urban Fox has visited in the past! Suddenly they all are losing their rear-end feathers. I have covered their housing with diadromous earth, louse powder and finally Harkers spot on Endectocide. I also spray the red areas with blue dye to prevent pecking. One seems to be recovering, one the same and one very poorly with pale comb and extreme lethargy. I even dug a hole as I was sure she would die. However, she seems to be slowly on the mend. I bought shell strengthing to put in their water as very thin shells and feather loss but they will not drink it unless desperate. If it is the feather mite I have done all I can think of to eliminate it. ANY suggestions please.

Elizabeth, 27 April 2021

I have a rescue hen, she appears to be egg bond, how can I help her, I have 2 other hens who are very healthy

Jill, 1 March 2021

I have 13 hens and a French Marans rooster. Recently, two of my Isa Brown hens became unwell. Both seemed to be off balance and unable to walk, and the sicker of the two died after a few days. I suspected, being free range, that they had eaten a weed that was toxic to the hens, so I gave the other hen who wasn't as sick, a few days on epsom salts, then antibiotics, then wormed her and gave her vitamins. She did seem to pep up, but refuses to eat and still has the wobbles. That was almost 3 weeks ago and I have been force feeding her via syringe and tube. She is pooping ok, although runny poops, but I put this down to feeding her with baby bird rearing mixture, which is runny. I am running out of options and hope someone on this forum may have some insight into why my girl isn't getting any better.

Mas, 28 March 2019

My bantam hen seems at times like she makes an effort to breath and her rear feathers are covered with white feces, is it curable?

Katherine, 19 July 2016

I wondered if anyone had any ideas as to what was wrong with my chicken. She's a rescue hen, I've had her about a year and she has been well. Last night I heard banging & crashing coming from my eglu. On looking inside, my hen was on her back, and having what appeared to be a convulsion. I picked her up she looked like she was dying so held her & stroked her, but she continued to sporadically "convulse" for 1 and a half hours. I then placed her in a "hospital cage" for the night, fully expecting to find that she had died during the night, but, to my surprise, she was as right as rain this morning. Any ideas anyone??

Mary, 6 April 2016

We keep our three bantams successfully in an early Eglu. About two weeks ago, while we were on holiday (we take the coop and hens with us) one of our White Leghorns developed a swollen nostril on one side.She has no other symptoms, she's lively and eating and drinking well.She hasn't laid for over a year. The other Leghorn and a Croad Langshan are fine. Any suggestions, please? Mary

Genevieve, 27 September 2015

Re chickens with loose droppings, this could come from eating interior lettuce leaves rather than outside leaves that contain all the nutrients. Can also occur from eating too much soft/stone fruit or possibly some poultry diseases if not vaccinated properly. Hope thus helps. No Lady likes to have a soiled behind!

Lynne, 29 August 2013

I have found your site to be very helpful and will certainly be passing your name on, thanks

Brenda, 15 July 2011

We have been wondering for a long time why one of our hens has loose droppings, it may be as you say, too many slugs.Thank you so much for that little bit of information, have been trying for days searching the web, and we come across your page and find it straight away.