Chickens really are the simplest and most rewarding animals to rear, but to reassure you, here are 7 reasons why you should keep chickens.

Paul Prigg wonderful hens searching for bugs in the chipped wood in the safety of their run
- The Eggs - Cheerful chickens will lay a fresh egg for you everyday. You know exactly where your eggs have come from and they will be the most delicious eggs you have ever tasted.
- Fertilizer - Chicken droppings make a brilliant fertilizer. Chicken poo is high in nitrogen so will need composting first, but it makes for an inexpensive organic fertilizer which will do wonders for your vegetable patch.
- Less Food Waste - Chickens are very fond of kitchen scraps. They will eat most kitchen scraps (although not all, read our section on what you can and can’t feed your chickens here).
- Pest Control - Chickens absolutely love to eat bugs. Slimy slugs and snails are their favourite and they will love to potter about your garden eating up all the bugs that eat your plants. We think that's pretty useful.
- Educational - You will learn lots from keeping chickens. You can teach your children exactly where their food comes from as well as responsibility. You will also learn all about these wonderful animals, from how they forage and keep themselves parasite free to how they establish their social order.
- Entertainment - You may not know it yet, but chickens are very entertaining and funny animals. You and your family will be endlessly amused with your chickens antics. Each chicken has her own personality and quirks. You will find yourself getting rather attached to your hens without even realising.
- It's Easy - Once you get into the routine and swing of keeping chickens you will realise just how easy keeping chickens really is.

Rachel Sturman-Panter's Rhode Island Reds lay wonderful giant eggs

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